The descendants of Pieter van der Beek
Gerardus Gaatses | Auke Ger | Aede Ger | Aede Gaatses | Romke Gerardus | Bauke Gerardus
The first Van der Beek, of which I have data, is the great-great-grandfather of my great-grandfather, that is:
Pieter van der Beek was born in 1714 or 1715, probably in Ostend. Pieter died on 14-03-1807 in Deventer, at the age of 92. He married Gesina Jalinks on 07-11-1745 in Deventer. Gesina was born on 22-11-1719 in Deventer. She passed away on 24-07-1780 in Deventer, at the age of 60.
Pieter died in 1807 in Deventer at the age of 92, so he must have been born in 1714 or 1715.
According to the citizenship certificate of Pieter van der Beek and his family (see below in this gray window), Pieter comes from Ostend in Belgium.
Pieter reached a high age, especially for that time. In the first half of 1807, 219 people died in Deventer; 41 of them were older than 65, but 104 were younger than 10 years.
You can see Pieter’s obituary below.
He was 92 years according to that message and he lived at Waterstraat 43 in Deventer.
In 1765 he lived there as well, you can see that later at the message of the funeral of daughter Elisabeth van der Beek. So he lived there for at least 40 years.
Here on the right you see a picture of the Waterstraat in 2017, so Pieter van der Beek probably lived in such a kind of house. Unfortunately Waterstraat 43 no longer exists, the houses on the side with the odd numbers (left on the photo) have been demolished and replaced by other buildings.
A year before his death Pieter made a will.
In that will he states that he possesses property of fl. 5000. He also declares that he recognizes the good services and “faithful care” of his two children Pieter and Gerharda living with him, and therefore he “gives his Dogter Gerharda an annual Summa of seventh Guilders, from the 1st January 1788, until His death, and to his son Pieter an annual Summa of fifty guilders, also from the 1st January, 1788, until His death”. Pieter also declares that he names his four children Garrit Hendrik, Gerharda, Francina and Pieter van der Beek as his sole heirs, as well as his grandson Pieter van der Beek, son of the late Pieters son Gerhardus van der Beek.
What remains after Francina and Pieter have paid their “care wages” has to be divided into five equal portions for the five persons mentioned.
Apparently his daughter Johanna Gesina and his son Gerardus had already died in 1806, when the will was made.
You can read the will here.
Where the Waterstraat in Deventer is, you see on the map below, it is near the IJssel.
Pieter van der Beek and Gesina Jalinks married on November 7, 1745 in Deventer. They could both write, because below you see their wedding date with the names and addresses from the wedding book and underneath they have written their own names. With many couples, the wedding book said that they could not write. Furthermore, they both had a surname, which was also special in those days. Pieter lived in the Assenstraat and Gesina in the Papenstraat (see above map).
Gesina was born on 22-10-1719 in Deventer according to a line from the baptismal book of the reformed church, you can see it below.Below that you see the obituary of Gesina, she is buried on 24-07-1780 in Deventer under a half hour of bells. She was then in the Sint Elisabets Gasthuis.
In the Sint Elisabets Gasthuis were mentally ill nursed, apparently she was insane in the last years of her life, or was she just demented?
Pieter and Gesina had 10 children: Gerhardus (08-01-1747), Elisabeth (04-02-1748), Gerharda (03-12-1749), Gerhardus (23-04-1752), Gerrit Hendrik (11-08-27) 1754), Gerharda (05-06-1757), Francina (11-02-1759), Pieter (14-01-1761), Johanna Gesina (25-07-1762), Engele (buried on 18-02-1765, born ?).
My ancestor Gerhardus is the fourth. The first Gerhardus died young, because the same name was used again.
Elisabeth also died young (see below, she was 17 years old) and Johanna Gesina died before 1774, she was at most 11 years old (see the citizenship certificate below).
Below you can see a line from Deventer’s baptism book of 1752, in which the baptism of Gerhardus is mentioned. And below that a few lines from the funeral book, in which the funeral of Elisabeth is mentioned. That was on 14-03-1765, she was 17 years old. It also states that the Van der Beek family lived on the Waterstraat.
Pieter and Gesina also had two stillborn children; one on 21-01-1751 and one on 08-08-1753. On the image below you see the report in the funeral book of Deventer.
Many young children then died according to that book, many more children than adults.
How much had to be paid for a funeral depended, among other things, on the number of hours that the clock had to be sounded, and which clock. An hour with the big clock and a bill cost f 4, – can be seen on that picture.
In 1748 a census was held in Deventer. Below is a line from the data of the census of 1748 in the Polstraat in Deventer.Pieter and Gesina apparently lived, after they were married, at Polstraat 127; they lived there with 2 adults and 1 child (later they lived on the Waterstraat, at least in 1765, and also when Pieter died in 1807).
Behind is the profession of Pieter, was that onderconstapel?
A constapel was an artillery officer with orders over several pieces of artillery.
In 1774 Pieter van der Beek, with his family, obtained the great citizenship. He got city rights with it.
He had to pay a fee of 360 guilders (50 for each of his sons and 25 for each of his daughters and 160 for Pieter and Gesina himself).
He could also have gone for the small citizenship, that would have cost him fl. 12, – but he would have fewer rights.
The city of Deventer knew residents and citizens. The former had received permission to live within the city, but they had no further rights there. Citizens, on the other hand, were allowed to trade in the city without restrictions, were exempted from the payment of tolls that the city levied and were allowed to use the city pastures, at least if they were big-goers, but they could not.
A future great citizen had to come to the town hall with his own gun (as a sign that he wanted to help defend the city) and with two fireblowers in his hand (as a sign that he was willing to help with the fire department). Thus equipped, the newcomer paid off the city government for the city government.
You can see Pieter’s citizenship certificate below, there you also see that Pieter came from Ostende.
Child of Pieter and Gesina:
1 Gerardus Pieters van der Beek, born on 23-04-1752 in Deventer. He was the son of Pieter van der Beek and Gesina Jalinks.
(1) married, 29 years old, on 13-01-1782 in Stavoren with Zydske Hempenius, 26 years old.
Zydske was born in 1755 in Stavoren, daughter of Pier Hempenius and Catharina Ketel.
She was baptized on 16-07-1755 in Stavoren. Zydske died on 02-04-1782 in Stavoren, 26 years old.
(2) married, 31 years old, on 03-12-1783 in Stavoren with Akke Baukes Hiemstra, years old. Akke was born in 1761 in Leeuwarden, daughter of Bauke Arjens Hiemstra and Jantje Gaukes. She was baptized on 11-10-1761 in Hallum.
Akke died on 20-11-1816 in Birdaard, 55 years old.
Gerardus was born on 23-04-1752 in Deventer. He made confession in 1771 in the reformed church. And he left for Sluis on 29 August 1779. There he was a soldier.
The rule from Deventer’s attestation book, which shows this, is shown below.
He did not stay in Sluis for long because he left on 5 April 1780. But he did not hand in the attestation until 24-05-1781 in Stavoren. This is evident from a rule in the member book Stavoren 1768-1840 below.
Gerardus was a surgeon in Stavoren. Below you can see a list of surgeons in Stavoren on the left, including Gerardus van der Beek.
Gerardus went to work successfully, as he delivered the attestation on 24 May 1781 in Stavoren, and on 13 January 1782 he married Zydske Hempenius.
On the right you see the announcement of the marriage of Gerardus and Zydske.
The father of Zijdske was Pier Hempenius, mayor of Stavoren from 1740 to 1743.
Zijdske died in 1782, after they had not been married for three months. She was buried in the church.
Here you see the announcement; the funeral cost f 8, and that means that the clock became an hour’s noise.
Gerardus has not mourned for a long time, because a year and a half later he married Akke Baukes Hiemstra.
They lived in Stavoren at no. 371 as can be seen on the document about the houses in Staveren in 1985, below. There is also such a document about the houses in Staveren in 1799, but that is not the case with Gerardus and Akke.
Are Gerardus and Akke perhaps moved to Amsterdam?
In any case Akke lived in Amsterdam in 1807, according to a message from the notary of Hallum to Pieter van der Beek in 1807. In that message it says that Pieter Gerardus van der Beek, Hallum, 20 years old, inherits 1/5 of his grandfather’s estate. His mother is Akke Baukes, Amsterdam, co-applicant, and his grandfather is Pieter van der Beek, recently deceased in Deventer.
Pieter inherited from his grandfather Pieter van der Beek from Deventer.
You can read that document from the notary from Hallum here, it is very difficult to read.
And you can read the will of Pieter van der Beek from Deventer here.
Akke lived in Longerhouw in 1812, as evidenced by the deed of name-building of her father Bauke Arjens in Hallum. Akke had a brother Arjen in Hallum and a sister Antje in Ferwerd, who also got the surname Hiemstra.
Akke lived the last years of her life with her son Pieter and his family in Birdaard, see her death certificate below, below right.
Child of Gerardus and Akke:
Pieter married, 24 years old, on 20-05-1810 in Ferwerd with Grietje Tjipkes Dijkstra, 20 years old.
Grietje was born in 1790 in Ferwerd, daughter of Tjipke Jans and Antje Pieters. Grietje died on 06-02-1858 in Jislum, aged 68 years.
Pieter is the great-grandfather of my grandfather.
He was born on 18-09-1785 in Stavoren, see the following lines from the baptismal book of the reformed church.
He is from 1810 shoemaker in Ferwerd (address: Vrijhof nr 8), in 1817 shoemaker in Birdaard, later merchant and shopkeeper in Jislum, and in 1832 he was according to the birth certificate of Arrentje gardenier, and his wife Grietje shopkeeper.
Pieter was rejected for military service due to lack of length.
From the member book Ferwerderadeel of 1831 it appears that Pieter van der Beek made confession on 13 March 1831 in the reformed congregation.
In 1808 Pieter received a message from the notary of Hallum, stating that Pieter Gerardus van der Beek, Hallum, 20 years old, inherits 1/5 of his grandfather’s estate. His mother is Akke Baukes, Amsterdam, co-applicant, and his grandfather is Pieter van der Beek, recently deceased in Deventer.
Pieter inherited from his grandfather Pieter van der Beek from Deventer.
You can read that document from the notary from Hallum here, it is very difficult to read.
And you can read the will of Pieter van der Beek from Deventer here.
Akke, Pieter’s mother, has lived in Birdaard in the last years of her life with her son Pieter and his family.
Below you see the birth certificate of Akke, on which you see that Pieter was a master cobbler in Ferwerd at the Vrijhof nr. 8; click on it for an enlargement.
You can also see the birth certificate of Arrentje, where you can see that Pieter was a gardener in Jislum and his wife Grietje a shopkeeper.
There under a list with the members of the Van der Beek family during the census of 1830.
In 1821 Pieter bought a house in Jislum with house number 19 for f 601, – from Aaltje Lieuwes Zwart in Jislum, widow of Tjeerd Oenes Straatsma and from Binne Ritskes Memerda. Click here for the purchase deed.
Grietje died on 06-02-1858, and Pieter died about a month later.
A notarial deed was then drawn up with the inventory of Pieter and Grietje i.v. the inheritance. That deed covers 14 pages. Click here for that deed.
Because that deed is difficult to read, I have typed it over, you will find that typed version here.
Some things from that deed:
There was in the room: An oak cabinet, estimated at f 28, -; two chair bells f 7, a bed and bolster f 26; nine chairs and a highchair f 8.20; six tea leaves, three paintings, four drums, a mirror and twenty-six large and small plates estimated at f 5.40 etc, etc.
In the cabinet: seventeen short sheets f 34; six blankets, a ditto shirt and a leg bag f 5.70 etc.
In the shop: A fire cabinet f 10; two tables, a kift, a staircase, a window, a cupboard, a tine, a box and egg-box f 5.35; a pot with salt, a jar with syrup, and two drums with raisins and candij f 2.40; four cubs of black furs, four woolen caps, seventeen shaving rags, three cubes and nine colored cloths f 7,35 etc, etc.
Furthermore: a sheep f 18; a golden earring, weighing seventy-one wedges six grains, twenty carats f 98 etc.
Children of Pieter and Grietje:
Gerardus married, at the age of 23, on 05-06-1834 in Ferwerderadeel with Akke Gaatses Tulp, at the age of 19.
Akke is born on 06-02-1815 in Oenkerk, daughter of Gaatze Rinses Tulp and Trijntje Sjoerds Prins. Akke died on 12-02-1870 in Oenkerk, at the age of 55.
Gerardus Pieters was my great-great-grandfather. He was first farmer, and from about 1840 on he was a professional peatmeter. The digging of peat has an effect on the water state. And in order to be able to control this water state, the water board needed money. One and a half cents per square meter of dredge spread over the land, the shipper was guilty of the water board and the peat meter was the man who had to determine the number of square meters.
Gerardus was in military service. The inspection data can be found below on the left. It can be seen that he was about 1.62 m., That he had a round head, blue eyes, dark brown hair and a pointed chin.
Gerardus could not write when he married. You can see the marriage certificate below, right. If you click on it you will see it in full size.
The birth certificate of son Romke states that he did not sign because he could not write. Later he learned it, because when a notarial deed was drawn up in 1858 with the inventory of his parents’ house, his signature was included. And as a peat meter he probably also had to write things down.
Gerardus was only 50 years old. They lived in Jislum at number 2. After he had died Akke moved with her children in 1864 to Oenkerk, to her birthplace.
After she died in 1870 four of the children went back to Jislum, they were admitted to the family of their older brother Gaatze.
You can read this below in a section of the population register of Tietjerksteradeel.
Romke no longer lived with his mother, he was a farmer in Oenkerk. And Grietje and Arjen were already married, and Doeke had left for Dronrijp.
Children of Gerardus and Akke:
Gaatze married, at the age of 25, on 24-05-1862 in Ferwerderadeel with Baukje Aedes Holwerda, at the age of 23. Baukje is born on 16-08-1838 in Westernijkerk. Baukje died on 20-01-1908 in Jislum, at the age of 69.
Gaatze was a brother of my great-grandfather.
Gaatze was one of the founders of the Christian school in Wanswerd.
The founding meeting of the Christian School Association in Wanswerd took place on February 12. 1882, you can read that in the article below, left.
Gaatze was also for years elder and church guardian, see the ads below, right.
The family of Gaatze van der Beek lived from 1865 to 1897 to Iedyk 1 in Birdaard. It was a cottage of the diaconie of Jislum. It was located on the east side of the Jislumervaart between the Iedijk and Jislum. Gaatze and Baukje lived here with their 7 children. And 4 brothers and sisters of Gaatze also lived with them from 1870, after the parents of Gaatze both died. They were Bauke, Trijntje, Antje and Gerardus.
Children of Gaatze and Baukje:
Dieuwke married, at the age of 24, on 21-05-1887 in Ferwerderadeel with Sytse Zoodsma, at the age of 28. Sytse is born on 23-10-1858 in Westernijkerk. Sytse died on 02-07-1951 in Jislum, at the age of 92.
Dieuwke was a cousin of my grandfather Jan Romkes van der Beek.
Her husband Sytse was a laborer, later a cattle farmer.
Children of Dieuwke and Sytse:
Baukje married, at the age of 21, on 12-06-1909 in Dantumadeel with Botte van der Wal.
Sjoukje died on 12-07-1889 in Wanswerd, 3 months old.
Wieger married, at the age of 27, on 15-05-1919 in Ferwerd with Froukje Sierksma, at the age of 25.
Froukje is born on 09-06-1893 in Rijperkerk. Froukje died on 02-12-1980 in Jislum, at the age of 87.
Gaatse married, at the age of 25, on 15-05-1919 in Ferwerd with Wytske Gaasterland, at the age of 23.
Wytske is born on 31-07-1895 in Aalsum. Wytske died on 19-10-1982 in Wanswerd, at the age of 87.
Gerardus married, at the age of 25, on 17-05-1890 in Leeuwarden with Riemke Akkerman, at the age of 24. Riemke is born on 08-05-1866 in Marrum.
Riemke died on 14-11-1951 in Ferwerd, at the age of 85. she is buried in Westernijkerk.
Gerardus Gaatses was a cousin of my grandfather Jan Romkes van der Beek.
Children of Gerardus and Riemke:
1 Janke Gerardus van der Beek, born on 15-08-1891 in Stiens. Janke died on 18-12-1992 in Middelburg.
Janke married, at the age of 22, on 21-01-1914 in Leeuwarden Jan Dijkstra, at the age of 20. Jan is born on 23-06-1893 in Stiens. Jan died on 18-02-1969 in Middelburg.
Willem died on 17-07-1920 in Britsum, at the age of 29.
(2) married, at the age of 29, on 15-06-1922 in Ferwerderadeel Meindert de Haan, at the age of 37. Meindert is born on 04-03-1885 in Menaldum.
3 Aukje Gerardus van der Beek, born on 16-04-1895 in Stiens. Aukje died on 26-03-1969 in Middelburg, at the age of 73.
Aukje married, at the age of 23, on 13-03-1919 in Ferwerderadeel Wilhelmus Adelaar, at the age of 27. Wilhelmus is born on 12-05-1891 in Zaandam. Wilhelmus died on 20-06-1928 in Wolvega, at the age of 37. He is buried in Wolvega.
Gerardus Antonius, born in 1925 in Peperga and Elisabeth Catharina, born in 1927 in Wolvega, and two more.
After Wilhelmus had died Aukje went to live in Middelburg.
4 Gaatse Gerardus van der Beek, born on 27-10-1897 in Nijkerk. Gaatse died on 03-09-1976 in Westernijkerk, at the age of 78. He is buried in Westernijkerk.
7 Theunis Gerardus van der Beek, born on 22-11-1904 in Westernijkerk. Theunis died on 21-03-1989 in Westernijkerk, at the age of 84.
In 1951 he lived, together with his housekeeper Jantje Grevenstuk, in Marrum, Lege Hearewei 1, he was unmarried.
Auke died on 10-02-1994 in Ferwerd, at the age of 94.
Auke married, at the age of 24, on 15-11-1923 in Ferwerderadeel with Martha Klijnstra, at the age of 21. Martha is born on 09-03-1902 in Dantumawoude.
Martha died on 08-06-1990 in Ferwerd, at the age of 88.
Auke was a great nephew of my father Jan van der Beek.
Auke was a forwarder in Ferwerd, the business was later taken over by son Lucas.
Children of Auke and Martha:
2 Gerardus Aukes van der Beek, born on 21-06-1925 in Ferwerd. Gerardus died on 22-09-2002 in Ferwerd, at the age of 77. he is buried on 27-09-2002 in Ferwerd.
Gerardus married, at the age of 29, on 19-10-1954 in Ferwerd with Pietje Miedema, at the age of 23. Pietje is born on 12-07-1931. Pietje died on 25-07-2015 in Ferwerd, at the age of 84.
3 Siemen Aukes van der Beek, born on 31-05-1927 in Ferwerd. Siemen died on 15-06-2014 in Leeuwarden, at the age of 87. He is buried on 20-06-2014 in Ferwerd.
Siemen was manager at the Frico, and he developed a new way to paraffin Edammers (see below, left).
And he was a meritorious painter (see below, right above).
In 2000 he was the winner of the annual exhibition of Frisian amateur painters “Waterpalet” in Grou.
Janke married, 29 years old, on 26-06-1964 Rients de Boer, 33 years old.
Rients is born on 02-07-1930. Rients died on 17-10-1994 in Leeuwarden, at the age of 64.
Click here for further details of the offspring of Auke and Martha
Aede married, at the age of 27, on 10-05-1929 with Sibbeltje Duinstra, at the age of 25. Sibbeltje is born on 06-04-1904 in Wierum. Sibbeltje died on 26-01-1982 in Kollum, at the age of 77. She is buried in Westergeest.
Aede was a second cousin of my father Jan van der Beek.
Aede and Sibbeltje had a farm in Westergeest with the name Beintemahûs, finally they lived in Kollum.
In September 1958 their farm burned down (see the article below).
Click here for further details of the offspring of Aede and Sibbeltje
Arendje married, at the age of 15, on 24-05-1923 in Ferwerd with Pieter Postma, at the age of 16. Pieter is born on 14-06-1906 in Ferwerd. Pieter died on 15-12-1968 in Ferwerd, at the age of 62.
Click here for further details of the offspring of Arendje and Pieter
Hiltje married, at the age of 30, on 05-06-1941 in Ferwerderadeel with Romke van der Wal, at the age of 28. Romke is born in march 1913 in Ferwerd. Romke died on 04-02-1982 in Ferwerd, at the age of 68.
Hiltje was a second cousin of my father Jan van der Beek.
Click here for further details of the offspring of Hiltje and Romke
Akke married, at the age of 20, on 26-06-1886 in Ferwerderadeel with Hendrik de Vries, at the age of 20. Hendrik is born on 19-09-1865 in Kollumerzwaag. Hendrik died on 08-11-1946 in Genum, at the age of 81. He is buried in Jislum.
Her husband Hendrik was a laborer, later a road worker.
Eatsche married, at the age of 23, on 16-05-1891 in Ferwerderadeel with Lieuwe Pieters Reitsma, at the age of 24. Lieuwe is born on 15-06-1866 in Janum. Lieuwe died on 24-03-1930 in Holwerd, at the age of 63.
Children of Eatsche and Lieuwe:
1 Janke Lieuwes Reitsma, born on 15-01-1893 in Hallum. Janke died on 17-09-1962 in Birdaard, at the age of 69.
Janke married, at the age of 24, on 26-04-1917 in Ferwerderadeel with Harmen Gerrits Wondaal, at the age of 24. Harmen is born on 22-04-1893 in Britsum. Harmen died on 17-11-1972 in Hardegarijp, at the age of 79.
Janke was a second cousin of my father Jan van der Beek.
Children of Janke and Harmen:
1 Gerrit Wondaal, born on 30-08-1917 in Birdaard. Gerrit died on 09-11-1990 in Giekerk, at the age of 73. Gerrit married with Hendrikje Falkena.
2 Lieuwe Wondaal, born on 15-03-1920 in Birdaard. Lieuwe died on 03-01-1993 in Franeker, at the age of 72. Lieuwe married with Eelke Krol.
Gerrit Wondaal was a car salesman at the Renault garage in Leeuwarden. He played cornet at brass band “It Heideblomke” in Harkema. I also played there and sat on the board together with Gerrit. We did meet at Gerrit in Giekerk, but I never knew that he was my family when he was alive.
Luut (Lieuwe) Wondaal was a baker in Wanswerd, and was conductor of a number of corps. That’s how I knew Luut. His son Harm has played a time in the brass band of Ferwerd when I played there, and he sat in Jissie’s class when she was a teacher in Birdaard.
Pieter married, at the age of 24, on 23-05-1922 in West Dongeradeel with Jantje Talsma, at the age of 24 or 25. Jantje is born in 1897 in Raard.
Grietje married, at the age of 21, on 16-05-1891 in Ferwerderadeel with Abraham Nicolai, at the age of 24. Abraham is born on 08-03-1867 in Birdaard. Abraham died on 03-02-1935 in Niawier, at the age of 67. he is buried in Birdaard.
Abraham, the husband of Grietje, was a laborer; Abraham and Grietje lived in Birdaard.
Arrentje married, at the age of 23, on 25-05-1895 in Ferwerderadeel with Pieter Stienstra, at the age of 24. Pieter is born on 14-01-1871 in Wanswerd.
Aede married, at the age of 28, on 10-05-1906 in Ferwerderadeel with Antje Bijlsma, at the age of 27. Antje is born on 12-07-1878 in Marrum.
Aede was a cousin of my grandfather Jan Romkes van der Beek.
Aede was a cattle farmer; for many years he was a deacon of the church, chairman of the youth association of Wanswerd, and board member of the Chr. School club in Wanswerd / Jislum.
Children of Aede and Antje:
1 Frouwkje Aedes van der Beek, born on 13-09-1907 in Jislum. Frouwkje died on 26-12-1974 in Dokkum, at the age of 67. she is buried on 30-12-1974 in Jislum.
Frouwkje was a second cousin of my father Jan van der Beek.
Gaatse married with Aaltje Steegstra, born in 1911. Aaltje died on 20-05-1976 in Leeuwarden, at the age of 65.
Gaatze was a second cousin of my father Jan van der Beek.
Gaatze and Aaltje emigrated to Australia.
Kornelis married, at the age of 24, on 07-05-1936 with Jetske Groenhof, at the age of 21. Jetske is born on 08-06-1914 in Idsegahuizen. Jetske is een daughter of Yke Groenhof and Akke Sinnema. Jetske died on 28-03-2005 in Bolsward, at the age of 90.
Kornelis was a second cousin of my father Jan van der Beek.
Click here for further details of the offspring of Kornelis and Jetske
Gerardus married, at the age of 28, on 29-05-1941 in Ferwerderadeel with Aaltje Visbeek, at the age of 25. Aaltje is born in 12-1915 in Marrum. Aaltje died on 27-04-2006 in Leeuwarden, at the age of 90.
Gerardus Aedes was a second cousin of my father Jan van der Beek.
Gerardus and Aaltje first lived in Jislum, later in Marrum.
Click here for further details of the offspring of Gerardus and Aaltje
Baukje married, at the age of 21, in 05-1937 in Ferwerderadeel with Waatze Algra, at the age of 23. Waatze is born on 19-05-1913 in Wanswerd. Waatze died on 10-06-2003 in Birdaard, at the age of 90.
Baukje was a second cousin of my father Jan van der Beek.
Baukje and Waatze had no children. They lived in Birdaard, first on Bourboomweg 3, from 1992 on Wijtsmastraat 11
Arjen married, at the age of 27, on 21-05-1868 in Dantumadeel with Tietje Jans Koolstra, at the age of 24. Tietje is born on 21-04-1844 in Rinsumageest, she was the daughter of Jan Wybrens Koolstra and Froukje Meinderts Adema. Tietje died on 06-08-1919 in Dantumadeel, at the age of 75.
Arjen Gerardus was a brother of my greatgrandfather Romke.
According Volgens bovenstaande gezinskaart woonden Arjen and Tietje lived at Vliet 82a.
The street Vliet you see below, they probably lived in the third last house.
After Arjen was deceased Tietje lived at the street Ens in Rinsumageest.
Children of Arjen and Tietje:
Arjen Gerardus was a brother of my great-grandfather Romke.
His son Jan Arjens was a cousin of my grandfather Jan Romkes van der Beek.Jan Arjens married, at the age of 24, on 19-05-1894 with Elisabeth de Kok, at the age of 22. Elisabeth was born on 25-02-1872 in Akkerwoude, daughter of Daniël Franzes de Kok and Sytske Jans Vijverda.
They first lived in Molenend for a few years, then they went to Jislum. There they had three children.
In April 1900 they emigrated to Hospers in Iowa, USA. There they had four children.
Gerardus was also a cousin of my grandfather Jan Romkes van der Beek.
Gerardus married, at the age of 25, on 20-05-1899 with Trijntje Tuininga, at the age of 21. Trijntje was born on 02-05-1878 in Rinsumageest, daughter of Jacob Siedzes Tuinenga and Antje Philips Scheffer.
Gerardus and Trijntje first lived in Rinsumageest, where they had 7 children.
In 1921 they emigrated to the US. First they went to Hecla, South Dacota, but after a few years they went to Crookston and still some years later to Brooten, Minnesota
Gerardus and Trijntje have been back in Holland twice, in 1926 and in 1950.
Click here for further details of the offspring of Arjen and Tietje
Romke was my great-grandfather.
Romke was a worker. He was rejected for military service because of physical defects, below you see the details of the inspection. Apparently he missed one or more fingers, that was lack No. 76 at the militia.
He was not tall either, he was 1 el 530 stripes, and you should read that as 153 cm. His grandfather Pieter was even smaller, because he was rejected for military service because of lack of length.
Romke was convicted on 3 April 1872 for ill-treatment, together with his brother Doeke. So they were not sweeties. They were then sentenced to 8 days in prison (see a section from the police archive below).
The children Gerardus and Tjipke van Romke and Jiskje were in 1889 in court when they were 11 and 10 years old.
They had only taken some branches from the forest. That was in the winter, probably their parents needed the wood to burn the stove.
They were sentenced to 2 days in prison! You can see the court record below (G.R. v.d. B. is Gerardus Romkes van der Beek and T.R. v.d. B. is Tjipke Romkes van der Beek).
Romke died of tbc on 19-02-1900 in Oenkerk, at the age of 56.
After he had died, everything he had been in touch with in the house had to be burned (see the report of the municipal authorities at Jiskje below).
Romke married, at the age of 29, on 09-11-1872 in Tietjerksteradeel with Jiskje Jans Popma, at the age of 18. Jiskje is born on 24-01-1854 in Oenkerk, daughter of Jan Bruins Popma and Grietje Tjipkes Biesma. Jiskje died on 11-09-1940 in Oenkerk, at the age of 86.
after reading it was signed by us with the Comparanten and the witnesses, with the exception of the bridegroom and the bride, who stated that they could not do this since they never learned to write(see below).
Click here for the marriage certificate of Romke and Jiskje.
Romke later on learned to write. For the first four children, the birth certificate always stated that the father could not write, but from that moment on he started to sign the birth certificates. Below you can see, for example, the birth certificate of my grandfather Jan, with the signature of his father Romke underneath.
Romke and Jiskje went to live at Flokhernepaad 4 in Molenend when they were married. Around 1880 they moved and they went to live on Dr. Kijlstraweg 50. That is next to the house where later son Tjipke went to live (Dr. Kijlstraweg 48) and two houses from the house where later son Gaatze and grandson Rom went to live (Dr. Kijlstraweg 54).
In the house at Flokhernepaad 4 a sister of Romke was living: Trijntje van der Beek. She was married to Sierk Martens Piekstra and they lived there until 1883. Then Trijntje died, she was only 31 years old. Half a year later Sierk married Martens Piekstra again and moved. Then Romke and Jiskje went back to Flokhernepaad 4. They lived there until 1900 until Romke died.
A brother of Romke has also lived in them, you can see that from the population register below. That was Gerhardus, he lived with them from 1874 to 1877.
Opposite them was a sister of Romke at Flokhernepaad 1: Antje van der Beek; she was married to Doeye van der Woude.
Romke died on tbc on 19 February 1900.
After he had died, everything with which he had been in contact with the house had to be burned (see the picture opposite).
Six children had already died of them, Jan in 1879 (6 years), Gaatze in 1888 (1.5 years), Akke in 1893 (17 years), Antje in 1894 (1 year), Jantje (died very young) and another Akke in 1896 (14 days). A few weeks later their daughter Grietje (14 years old) died and a year later their son Gerardus (22 years old).
After that Jiskje stayed behind with four children.
She had to peddle with bread to get money, she was “bôlekoerrinster“.
Furthermore, her daughter Hinke died in 1913 at the age of 21 from an accident: Hinke walked two and a half months after she was married to a house when a wall fell over because of the strong wind. She came under the wall and died.
Jiskje lived, after her husband died, in many different places, often with other people in and near her birth house. She was born on Dr. Kijlstraweg 67 in 1854.
In 1869 she went with her father to the house next door (which has been demolished and therefore no longer exists).
In 1872 she married and her father moved shortly thereafter, he married again and now with Tjipkje Pieters van der Beek (he was the fourth man of Tjipkje, and Tjipkje was an aunt of Romke, the man of Jiskje), see 1.1.4.
From 1918 to 1928 she lived in a part of the house on Dr. Kijlstraweg 75, then she went to the house opposite, Dr. Kijlstraweg 66. She had one room there in the old “skoallehûs” until 1930.
In 1930 her son Gaatze bought the house from the Dr. Kijlstraweg 54 (where later Rom van der Beek went to live). Jiskje then went into the southern part of that house, and until her death in 1940 she lived there.
During Floralia, a celebration in Trynwâlden that was held once every two years, Jiskje was depicted as a “bôlekoerrinster” by means of flowers in Stania State, see below.
More about my great-grandparents Romke and Jiskje can be found under Mijn verhaal/Mijn overgrootouders
Children of Romke and Jiskje:
3 Gerardus Romkes van der Beek, born on 05-04-1878 in Oenkerk. Gerardus died on 19-01-1901 in Leeuwarden, at the age of 22.
Gerardus was a laborer, he was unmarried.
He was convicted of poaching, together with his brother Tjipke, in April 1890. He was then 12 years old, and the verdict was: two days in prison.
Click here for further details of the offspring of Romke Gerardus van der Beek and Jiskje Popma
Bauke married, at the age of 32, on 26-01-1878 in Tietjerksteradeel with Antje Feitsma, at the age of 29. Antje is born on 28-05-1848 in Bergum, ze was een daughter of Janke Petrus Feitsma, the father is considered “not mentioned” in the birth certificate. Antje died on 19-04-1894 in Wijns, at the age of 45.
Bauke was a brother of my great-grandfather Romke.
Bauke was a shoemaker in Wijns, his wife helped him with that. He was flawed, his one leg was shorter than the other.
In the birth certificates of all children it says: “Father because of illness prevented from declaring the birth“.
On the site a certain Symen Schaafsma tells from Wijns about the family, see below.
Bauke and Antje lived right next to the church, in a house of the board. Bauke hardly had any work as a shoemaker. In 1899, the council asked the town council whether the Bauke family could be admitted to the hospice. You can see the beginning of that letter below. If you click on it, you will see the whole letter.
Children of Bauke and Antje:
2 Gerhardus Baukes van der Beek, born on 20-08-1879 in Wijns.
Gerhardus married, at the age of 38, on 22-11-1917 in Het Bildt with Hyke Hoekstra, at the age of 31.
Hyke is born on 21-07-1886 in Vrouwenparochie; ze is een daughter of Symen Hoekstra and Hendrikje van der Plaats, a widow of Klaas Boterhoek.
Gerardus and Hyke had a son Bauke, born on 28-05-1920 in Sint Jacobiparochie. Bauke died on 20-10-1987 in Heerenveen, at the age of 67. He was cremated in Goutum.
Bauke married, at the age of 23, on 27-05-1944 in Sint Annaparochie with Sijke Wassenaar. Bauke and Sijke are divorced.
Sijke is born on 10-06-1923 in Oudebildtdijk. She died on 23-01-2012 in Menaldum, at the age of 88. She was cremated in Goutum.
Bauke and Sijke had seven children: Gebby, Hieke, Gerharda, Gerard, Bertje, Jannie, Wim
3 Janke Baukes van der Beek, born on 16-10-1880 in Wijns. Janke died on 16-02-1963 in Stiens, at the age of 82.
Janke married, at the age of 23, on 06-08-1904 in Leeuwarderadeel with Hilbrand Brandsma, at the age of 25.
Hilbrand is born on 14-02-1879 in Stiens; he was een son of Romke Hilbrands Brandsma and Ytske Botes Hiemstra. Hilbrand died on 04-10-1966 in Stiens, at the age of 87.
Romke was born on 28-05-1905 in Stiens and Bauke was born on 07-09-1907 in Stiens.
Romke and Bauke were both unmarried.
5 Aukje Baukes van der Beek, born on 25-01-1884 in Wijns. Aukje died on 12-04-1926 in Terband, at the age of 4.
Aukje married, at the age of 28, on 18-05-1912 in Aengwirden with Jitze Veenstra, at the age of 35.
Jitze is born on 10-07-1876 in Gersloot; he died on 20-01-1969 in Terband, at the age of 92.
Aukje has been a housekeeper with Johannes Jans de Jong (he was a farmer and his wife was deceased) in Oudkerk from 24-06-1911 (she then came from Rotterdam) until 19-04-1912, because then she left for Terband.
Aukje and Jitze had three children: 1 Gerrit, born in April 1913 in Terband; 2 Jan, born in July 1915 in Terband; 3 Aukje.
Daughter Aukje lived with her aunt after her mother died. She was foster daughter of Ale Bloembergen and Grietje Baukes vd Beek, the sister of Aukje (see the ad on the right).
Mother Aukje was convicted for abuse in September 1921. Requirement: 20 days of sitting or paying 10 guilders (see below).
Jitze was a merchant in Terband; he is married for the second time to Elisabeth Maria Duitscher, born 02-03-1897, died 29-04-1961.
6 Sjoerd Baukes van der Beek, born on 24-09-1885 in Wijns. Sjoerd died on 11-03-1951 in Leeuwarden, at the age of 65.
He was admitted to Bergum’s armhouse in 1907 (see the sections from the minutes below and the letter of 1899. When you click on the letter, a larger letter from 1907 appears in which Sjoerd is requested to be admitted to the poor house).
He did not stay there, because at one point he was a bargee servant in Groningen and in 1931 he lived in the home for homeless people at Pioenstraat 1 in Leeuwarden, and then he was at Practical Assistance.
In 1938 he left for Amsterdam, he started sailing. But later he returned again, because he died in 1951 in Leeuwarden.
8 Grietje Baukes van der Beek, born on 10-03-1888 in Wijns. Grietje died on 07-03-1945 in Hijum, at the age of 56.
Grietje married, at the age of 25, on 15-05-1913 in Het Bildt with Ale Bloembergen, at the age of 41. Ale is born on 19-08-1871 in Menaldum; he is een son of Pieter Pieters Bloembergen and Antje Ales Vellinga. Ale died on 15-10-1950 in Stiens, at the age of 79. he is buried in Hijum.
1 Antje Bloembergen, born in march 1914 in Vrouwenparochie, twins.
2 Grietje Bloembergen, born in march 1914 in Vrouwenparochie, twins.
3 Pieter Bloembergen, born in 02-1922 in Vrouwenparochie.
4 Bauke Bloembergen, born in 09-1932 in Finkum.
5 Aukje Veenstra, foster daughter, daughter of the sister of Grietje.
Grietje married, at the age of 19, on 19-10-1867 with Anne Hinnes de Vries, at the age of 20. Anne is born on 13-09-1847 in Oenkerk; he was een son of Hinne Douwes de Vries and Aafke Martens Spinstra. Anne died on 25-06-1902 in Oenkerk, at the age of 54.
Grietje was convicted for begging on Nov. 9. 1870, she was sentenced to a prison sentence of 6 months (see below).
From 1869 Grietje and Anne live in Dr. Kijlstraweg 67, about where the Kingma’s carpentry business is now, but the house is no longer there.
Anne was a laborer and had a pub. They lived in the small house with 12 children, and another illegitimate child (Jurjen, born 19-11-1894) of daughter Aaltje (not married).
A sign with the following inscription hung over the door of their house:
nog meer kunnen wensen
dan zegen van den heer
en gunst van alle mensen
(What else could one desire on this earth than blessing the lord and favor of all people?)
Children of Grietje and Anne (all born in Oenkerk):
Aafke is married with Rinse Teitsma (of Reitsma?) (born on 06-01-1870 te Lekkum) on 13-05-1893 te Leeuwarden. Rinse died on 25-02-1942 te Oenkerk.
3 Aaltje Annes de Vries, born on 16-02-1872. Aaltje died on 21-10-1901 in Oenkerk, at the age of 29.
Jurjen is married to Hinke van der Meulen on 20-11-1915
Hinne is married with Sieuwke Terpstra, she died on 19 maart 1915 in ’s Hertogenbosch.
(2) married, at the age of 51, on 24-11-1900 in Ferwerderadeel with Berber Viersen, at the age of 45. Berber is born on 17-10-1855 in Veenwouden; ze was een daughter of Jacob Jans Viersen and Hinke Freerks Hoeksma. Berber died on 23-02-1936 in Birdaard, at the age of 80.
Doeke is separated from Trijntje Wybenga in 1899.
In 1872, Doeke, together with his brother Romke, was convicted for ill-treatment. In 1875 again, then the claim was 1 month in prison. See the messages below.
Doeke lived at Eewal 23 in Burdaard, at Eewal 55 and until his death at Eewal 47. Thereafter Berber, his second wife, lived there until her death.
Children of Doeke and Trijntje:
Minne died on 03-07-1902 in Rinsumageest, at the age of 20. Minne was unmarried.
Akke married, at the age of 22, on 19-05-1906 in Leeuwarden with Wybe Kooistra, at the age of 23. Wybe is born on 10-09-1882 in Leeuwarden. Wybe died on 08-03-1929, at the age of 46.
Trijntje married, at the age of 26, on 16-06-1877 in Tietjerksteradeel with Sierk Martens Piekstra, at the age of 24. Sierk is born on 03-06-1853 in Surhuisterveen; he is een son of Marten Ottes Piekstra and Antje Sierks Bijma. Sierk died on 27-07-1924 in Akkerwoude, at the age of 71.
The eldest daughter of Trijntje, Antje, is recognized at the wedding.
Trijntje and Sierk first lived in Giekerk, later (between 1878 and 1880) they lived at Flokhernepaad 4.
Trijntje was only 31 years old.
Half a year after the death of Trijntje Sierk married Hielkje Pieters Jansma (born in 1851) of Oenkerk on 11-08-1883.
Children of Trijntje and Sierk:
Antje died on 08-06-1897 in Leeuwarden, at the age of 23. Antje is legitimized at the wedding of her parents in 1877.
Marten married, at the age of 26, on 14-05-1904 in Tietjerksteradeel with Rigtje Verhaag, at the age of 18 or 19.
Rigtje is born in 1885 in Oudkerk.
Antje married, at the age of 23, on 30-09-1876 in Tietjerksteradeel with Doeye Jans van der Woude, at the age of 22. Doeye is born on 06-06-1854 in Giekerk; he was een son of Jan Jans van der Woude and Sytske Thomas Bouwer. Doeye died on 10-04-1924 in Oenkerk, at the age of 69.
Antje and Doeye lived at Flokhernepaed 1 early 1900.
Children of Antje and Doeye:
Gerhardus married, at the age of 23, on 16-05-1903 in Leeuwarderadeel with Anna (Antje) Pot, at the age of 23. Anna is born on 12-03-1880 in Hallum. Anna died on 21-11-1960 in Hallum, at the age of 80.
kinderen: Doeije (aug 1904, Hempens), Jan (jan 1911, Goutum), Taetske (maart 1924, Janum), Alle (juni 1909, Goutum).
Sytske is married on 11-05-1907 with Wytze de Jong (28 jr) of Akkerwoude.
Trijntje is married on 11-05-1907 with Paulus van der Veen (25 jr) of Veenwouden.
Doeke is married on 22-10-1914 with Douwina Tiemersma (22 jr) of Rinsumageest.
Akke is married on 11-05-1912 with Dirk Stobbe (23 jr) of Tietjerk. Dirk died on 31-07-1971 te Leeuwarden, he was 82 years old.
Antje married, at the age of 21, on 21-05-1834 in Leeuwarderadeel with Dirk Wigles Boersma, at the age of 34. Dirk is born on 30-03-1800 in Marrum; he is een son of Wigle Sybes Boersma and Trijntje Anes. Dirk died on 29-07-1873 in Nijkerk, at the age of 73.
Children of Antje and Dirk:
1 Pieter Dirks Boersma, born on 17-07-1836 in Oenkerk. Pieter died on 26-01-1906 in Nijkerk, at the age of 69.
Akke married, at the age of 19, on 05-06-1834 in Ferwerderadeel with Wytze Meinderts van Dijk, at the age of 23. Wytze is born on 05-10-1810 in Westernijkerk.
Wytze died on 23-03-1888 in Westernijkerk, at the age of 77.
Jitze died on 13-10-1857 in Oenkerk, at the age of 42.
(2) married, at the age of 42, on 10-12-1859 in Tietjerksteradeel with Jacob Jacobs Hempenius, at the age of 65. Jacob is born on 28-10-1794 in Engelum, he was een son of Jacob Sikkes and Hendrikje Jacobs. he is baptized on 30-11-1794 in Engelum. Jacob died on 17-04-1861 in Oenkerk, at the age of 66.
Jacob was a laborer, living in Oenkerk, widower of Jeltje Geerts Wiersma
(3) married, at the age of 46, on 12-12-1863 in Tietjerksteradeel with Bauke Jacobs Groothof, at the age of 43. Bauke is born on 14-02-1820 in Tietjerk, he was een son of Jacob Meints Groothof and Janke Baukes Stelwagen. Bauke died on 27-04-1864 in Giekerk, at the age of 44.
Tjipkje had no luck with her husbands. Her second husband Jacob died 1.5 years after they were married and her third husband Bauke died 4 months after they were married.
(4) married, at the age of 55, on 18-01-1873 in Tietjerksteradeel with Jan Bruins Popma, at the age of 53.
Jan is born on 29-10-1819 in Oenkerk, son of Bruin Oebeles Popma and Jiskjen Freerks van Tuinen.
Jan died on 26-03-1904 in Giekerk, at the age of 84.
Jan was, toen he trouwde with Tjipkje, a widower of Grietje Tjipkes Biesma.
Jiskje was married to Romke van der Beek, who had to say aunt to Tjipkje. She could also say “uncle” to her father.
Children of Tjipkje and Jitze:
Jacob married, at the age of 24, on 03-06-1865 in Tietjerksteradeel with Jantje van der Veen, at the age of 22 or 23. Jantje is born in 1842 in Oenkerk.
Pieter married, at the age of 31, on 13-06-1874 in Tietjerksteradeel with Jitske Sales Pijpker, at the age of 22. Jitske is born on 13-04-1852 in De Wilp onder Marum, Groningen. Jitske died on 31-05-1911 in Giekerk, at the age of 59.
Foekje married, at the age of 31, on 16-11-1876 with Jan Sijes van der Woude, at the age of 30. Jan is born on 27-08-1846 in Finkum. Jan died on 01-11-1917 in Jelsum, at the age of 71.
Piebe married, at the age of 28, on 14-05-1881 in Tietjerksteradeel with Tietje Roels Dijkstra, at the age of 35. Tietje is born on 25-04-1846 in Oostermeer. Tietje died on 07-06-1911 in Oenkerk, at the age of 65.
7 Bauke Jitzes Faber, born on 12-05-1856 in Giekerk. Bauke died on 19-01-1941, at the age of 84.
Bauke married, at the age of 25, on 18-06-1881 in Tietjerksteradeel with Hinke Jans Popma, at the age of 20. Hinke is born on 25-03-1861 in Oenkerk, daughter of Jan Bruins Popma and Grietje Tjipkes Biesma.
Hinke died on 30-10-1955 in Donkerbroek, at the age of 94.
Jiskje was married to Romke van der Beek, a cousin of Bauke.
The father of Jiskje and van Hinke married in 1873 with Tjipkje, the mother of Bauke. Her father was then also her father-in-law.
Pietje married, at the age of 25, on 07-05-1846 in Ferwerderadeel with Jacob Marcus de Vries, at the age of 24. Jacob is born on 26-02-1822 in Holwerd.
Jacob was a turf skipper, living in Ureterp, later in Holwerd.
Bauke married, at the age of 28, on 20-09-1851 in Ferwerderadeel with Antje Piebes Loonstra, at the age of 30. Antje is born on 08-08-1821 in Kollumerzwaag, ze was een daughter of Piebe Hendriks Loonstra and Doetje Everts Radema. Antje died on 10-03-1921 in Kollumerland, at the age of 99.
Pieter married, at the age of 30, on 04-04-1857 in Ferwerderadeel with Tittje Teunis Regnerus, at the age of 20. The divorce was registered on 09-10-1879 in Leeuwarden.
Tittje is born on 21-02-1837 in Westernijkerk.
Pieter and Tittje were divorced in 1879 but they probably had not lived together for much longer. When Tittje wanted to divorce, she did not know where Pieter was staying. There was a message in the Leeuwarder Courant in which she said she wanted to divorce. You can see that newspaper article on the right.
Around 1870 Tittje lived with her father in Nijkerk with her daughter Maaike, but not with her husband Pieter. You can see that from the section from the population register below. She probably lived there to take care of her father, who died on 31-08-1870. Just before that, daughter Maaike left for Vrouwenparochie. Did she go to family? She was married there later and continued to live there.
Tittje later lived in the family of her second husband, you can see that in the second part of the population register below. But before the birth of her son in 1878 she apparently went to Jislum. In the second part of the population register is the name Theunis van der Beek. But in the third part of the population register, when Tittje lives with her second husband Frans Vellinga, the name is Teunis Regnerus and then there is: false son of T. Th. Regnerus. Apparently, Teunis is not the son of Pieter, but probably of Frans Vellinga. Because Tittje got married on 30 October 1880 to Frans Jans Vellinga, born 6 Mar 1841, Birdaard.
And half a year after Tietje and Frans are married, they have emigrated to America together with Theunis and then Theunis was on the passenger list as Thomas Vellinga.
Pieter moved from 1890 to Smalbroek, municipality of Beilen. First in a caravan, and he was then a seat matter. But from 1900 he lived in the armor house, see the pieces from the population register of the municipality Beilen below.
Children of Pieter and Tittje:
1 Maaike Pieters van der Beek, born on 09-02-1858 in Hallum. Maaike died on 27-11-1891 in Vrouwenparochie, at the age of 33.
Maaike married, at the age of 21, on 15-05-1879 in Het Bildt with Jetse Boersma, at the age of 19. Jetse is born on 25-07-1859 in Vrouwenparochie, he is een son of Teunis Boersma and Rinske Braaksma. Jetse died on 26-01-1920 in Leeuwarden, at the age of 60.
Half a year after Tietje Regnerus and Frans Vellinga got married (that was on Oct. 30, 1880) they and Theunis emigrated to America and then Theunis was on the passenger list as Thomas Vellinga.
The ship with which one sailed to the US is the Pieter Caland in the period May 19, 1881 and June 3, 1881 with arrival in New York, see below lines from the passenger list.
At his birth Theunis was registered as Theunis van der Beek, but later we find him back as Teunes Vellenga.
It is unknown to me whether there has been a formal name change procedure where Frans Vellinga has stated that Theunis is his son, but it is possible that he is the biological father.
In the census of 1900 the names of Frans and Theunis (mentioned as Tunes of Ounes) Vellenga also occur. They then live in Michigan.
Frans Vellinga is mentioned here as a widower, apparently Tietje was already dead then. You can see the rules from the census above. French is then farmer and Theunis is a farm worker.
Teunis Vellenga married on 8 November 1905 to Mary de Haas at Olive Township, Ottawa County, Michigan.
Mary was born as Marijke de Haas on 22-03-1886 in Blija, she was a daughter of Bruin Gerrits de Haas and Antje Piebes van Dijk.
Teunis died on 22-04-1959, his obituary can be found on the right.
He then leaves his wife, three sons (William, Simon and Russell) and 10 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.
Arrentje married, at the age of 26, on 29-05-1858 in Ferwerderadeel with Jitze Dirks Wiersma, at the age of 24. Jitze is born on 17-11-1833 in Hallum. Jitze died on 04-07-1909, at the age of 75.